The UN-indexing of mankind !

Prophecy in-itself is all a few of us should need, to lay Faith, in the word of God.  Prophecy, absolution in completion.      What was, will be, what will be, has been !

To the point, let’s dive in a little deeper in the reality of this. This comparison is of the connections in SURFACE WEB, DARK WEB, THE BIBLE, THE WAY THINGS WERE AND HOW THEY ALL ADVANCED IN THE SAME PURPOSE.

First let’s look at the web as we know it.

The web you are likely using to read this is likely known as the Surface web. Or things as they appear to be. This is the web we typically use to seek information. Information that is INDEXED! I know finally ! There it is, that mighty , mighty word, Indexed.

Indexing is the process of putting all information gathered into a nifty little filing system.

When we say all, it’s to be taken literally, ALL. yes your EVERY move, breath and action is recorded , filed and readily available, for a price ! Your Liberties !

UNTIL NOW !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

IN OUR SPIRITUAL BATTLES the enemy has been indexing our every breath, here we go …

From the beginning it’s fair to say, that we, were free to wondering , learn, engage as we saw fit. It was in the beginning…see what i did there? Wasn’t me though. That said, Our amazing Creator gave us all the same things, same earth , air, knowledge, etc. Most of all FREEDOM!!! LIBERTY!!!! KNOWLEDGE!!!!CHOICES !!! HONOR!!! REASON!



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Resist Lies, Critical thinking engaged, judge not, all man hath been lied to !